Code : 0135
Title : Janma Dine Ei Shubhaksane Pranabhara Apara
Language : Bengali
Date : 22/11/1982
Place : Madhumálaiṋca, Kalikátá
Genre : Birthday - Janmadivas
Mood : Happy - Ananda
Raga :
Tala : Kaharava'
Laya : Madhya
Matra : 8
Time to sing :
  • Kavita (Poem)
  • Bhavartha - Central Idea
  • Word & Line Meaning
  • Sargam - Notations
  • DC Script
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Other Info
  • Glossary

Kavita (Poem)

Janma dine ei shubhakśańe práńabhará apára ánande,

Ańute ańute prati paramáńute dolá láge nava varńe gandhe ||

Khushiite vibhora ápanahárá, savákára mana áveshe bhará,

Uddvela hiyá tomári lágiyá nece’ cale mohana chande ||

Bhálavese’ esecho káchat́ite rayecho, álora chat́áya ácho savára ánande ||

Bhavartha - Central Idea

On this auspicious moment of birthday the heart is filled with unlimited bliss. Each atom and molecule is swinging with new colour and fragrance. Absorbed in delight, losing sense of self, every one's mind is full of enthusiasm. The vibrant heart, for you, goes on dancing with enchanting rhythm. You came with love and stayed close spreading effulgence and bliss to all.

Shabdartha & Vakyartha - Word & Line Meaning

Line 1:Janma dine ei shubhakśańe práńabhará apára ánande,

Line meaning:On this auspicious moment of birthday the life is filled with boundless bliss.

Word meaning:Janma = Birth, dine = day, ei = this, shubha = auspicious, kśańe = moment, práńa = life, bhará = filled, apára = boundless, ánande = bliss


Line 2:Ańute ańute prati paramáńute dolá láge nava varńe gandhe ||

Line meaning:Every atom, every molecule is oscillating with new colour and fragrance.

Word meaning:Ańute = atom, prati = each, paramáńute = molecule, dolá = oscillating, láge = started, nava = new, varńe = colour, gandhe = smell or fragrance


Line 3:Khushite vibhora ápanahárá, savákára mana áveshe bhará,

Line meaning:Immersed in joy, lost in themselves, the minds of all are absorbed in you.

Word meaning:Khushite = in joy, vibhora = immersed or engrossed, ápana = self, hárá = lost, savákára = everyone’s, mana = mind, áveshe = excitement, bhará = filled


Line 4:Uddvela hiyá tomári lágiyá nece’ cale mohana chande ||

Line meaning:The hearts overwhelmed, enchanted are dancing in your rhythm.

Word meaning:Uddvela = overwhelmed, hiyá = heart, tomári = your, lágiyá = attraction, nece = dancing, cale = going, mohana = mesmerizing, chande = rhythm


Line 5:Bhálavese’ esecho káchat́ite rayecho, álora chat́áya ácho savára ánande ||

Line meaning:You have come out of love, and in love you remain near. You are in the rays of the effulgent light. You are the bliss of all.

Word meaning:Bhálavese = lovingly, esecho = came, káchat́ite = close by, rayecho = stayed, álora – effulgence, chat́áya = shades, ácho = are giving, savára = everyone, ánande = bliss

Sargam - Notations



Tála (Rhythm)

Laya (Tempo)



Khańd́a (Section)



Mátrá (Beats) – 8

X – Tálii / O – Khálii

Dhá         Ge           Na           Ti


1              2              3              4

Na           Ka            Dhi          Na


5              6              7              8


Janma dine ei shubhakśańe práńabhará apára ánande,

Ańute ańute prati paramáńute dolá láge nava varńe gandhe ||

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

Ja             n              ma           di

Sa            -               Ga           Re

ne            ऽ       ei       ऽ

Ga           -               Ga           -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

shu           ऽ              bha          kśa

Ga           Ma          Pa            Ma

Ńe            ऽ              ऽ              ऽ

Ga           -               -               -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

Prá           ńa            bha          rá

Sá             -               Re            Re

a              pá            ra             á

Re            Re            -               Ga

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

A              ńu            te             ऽ

Sá            Sá            Ga           Re

a              ńu            te             ऽ

Ga           Ga           Ga           -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

Pra           ti              pa            ra            

Ga            Ma           Pa            Ma

ma           ńu            te             ऽ

Ga            Re            Ga            -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

do            o              lá             lá

Sá             Re            Re            Re

ge            ऽ              na            va

Re            -               Re            Ga

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

va             r               ńe            ऽ

Re            Pa            Pa            Ma

ga             n              dhe          ऽ

Ga            Re            Ga            -

Antará – 1

Khushiite vibhora ápanahárá, savákára mana áveshe bhará,

Uddvela hiyá tomári lágiyá nece’ cale mohana chande ||

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

Khu          shi            te             vi

Sa            Sa            Ga           Re

bho          ऽ              ऽ              ra

Ga            -               -               -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

á              pa            na            há

Sá             Sá             Ga            Re

rá             ऽ              ऽ              ऽ

Ga            -               -               -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

sa             bá            ká             ra

Sá             Sá             Ga            Re

ma           ऽ              ऽ              na

Ga            -               -               -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

á              ve            she           bha

Ga            Ma           Pa            Ma

rá             ऽ              ऽ              ऽ

Ga            -               -               -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

úd            ऽ              ve            la

Sá             -               Sá             Sá

hi             ऽ              yá             ś

Sá             -               Sá             -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

to             má           ri              lá

Pa            Ni             Dha          Pa

gi             ऽ              yá             ऽ

Ga      Ma     Pa      -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

ne            ce            ca             le

Sá             Sá             Re            Re

mo           ha            ऽ              na

Re            Re            Sá             Ga

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

ch            an            de            ऽ

Re            Pa            Pa            Ma

ऽ              ऽ              ऽ              ऽ

Ga            Re            Ga            -

Antará – 2

Bhálavese’ esecho káchat́ite rayecho, álora chat́áya ácho savára ánande ||

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

bha          lo             be            se

Sá             Sá             Ga            Re

e              se             cho          ऽ

Ga            Ga            Ga            -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

Á              lo             ra             cha

Sá             Sá             Re            Ra

t́áya          ऽ              á              cho

Re            -               Re            Ga

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

Sa             bá            ra             á

Re            Pa            -               Ma

Na            n              d              e

Ga            Re            Ga            -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

pra           ńa            bha          rá

Sá             Re            Re            Re

a              pá            ra             á

Re            Re            Re            Ga

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

na            n              de            ऽ

Re            Pa            Pa            Ma

ऽ              ऽ              ऽ              ऽ

Ga            Re            Ga            -




DC Script

D C Script

Prabhát Saḿgiita: Song No 0135

Song, Lyrics & Melody by Shrii Prabháta Raiṋjana Sarkára


M: Music, L: Lead, F: Follow, C: Chorus


L: Janma dine ei shubhakśańe 

F: Janma dine ei shubhakśańe 

L: Práńabhará apára ánande

F: Práńabhará apára ánande

L: Ańute ańute prati paramáńute 

F: Ańute ańute prati paramáńute 

L: Dolá láge nava varńe gandhe 

F: Dolá láge nava varńe gandhe 

L: Práńabhará apára ánande

F: Práńabhará apára ánande

L: Janma dine ei shubhakśańe 

F: Janma dine ei shubhakśańe 

M: Janma dine ei shubhakśańe 2

L: Khushiite vibhora ápanahárá

F: Khushiite vibhora ápanahárá

L: Savákára mana áveshe bhará

F: Savákára mana áveshe bhará

L: Uddvela hiyá tomári lágiyá 

F: Uddvela hiyá tomári lágiyá 

L: Nece’ cale mohana chande 

F: Nece’ cale mohana chande 

L: Práńa bhará apára ánande

F: Práńa bhará apára ánande

L: Janma dine ei shubhakśańe 

F: Janma dine ei shubhakśańe 

M: Janma dine ei shubhakśańe – 2

L: Bhálavese’ esecho kachat́ite rayecho

F: Bhálavese’ esecho kachat́ite rayecho

L: Álora chat́áya ácho savára ánande

F: Álora chat́áya ácho savára ánande

L: Práńabhará apára ánande

F: Práńabhará apára ánande

L: Janma dine ei shubhakśańe 

F: Janma dine ei shubhakśańe 

L: Práńabhará apára ánande

F: Práńabhará apára ánande

L: Ańute ańute prati paramáńute 

F: Ańute ańute prati paramáńute 

L: Dolá láge nava varńe gandhe 

F: Dolá láge nava varńe gandhe 

L: Práńabhará apára ánande

F: Práńabhará apára ánande

L: Janma dine ei shubhakśańe 

F: Janma dine ei shubhakśańe 

L: Janma dine ei shubhakśańe 

F: Janma dine ei shubhakśańe 

L: Janma dine ei shubhakśańe 

F: Janma dine ei shubhakśańe


Song Code - 0135
Song Title - Janma Dine Ei Shubhaksane Pranabhara Apara
Song Version - DC
Singer Name - Asitima Debnath


Other Info

Birthday celebration song


Note :

Description -