Code : 0001
Title : Bandhu He Niye Calo
Language : Bengali
Date : 14/09/1982
Place : Madhumańiká, Devaghara
Genre :
Mood :
Raga : Bilavala
Tala : Kaharava
Laya : Madhya
Matra : 8
Time to sing :
  • Kavita (Poem)
  • Bhavartha - Central Idea
  • Word & Line Meaning
  • Sargam - Notations
  • DC Script
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Other Info
  • Glossary

Kavita (Poem)

Bandhu he, niye calo

Álora oi jharańádhárára páne ||

Ándhárera vyathá ára saye ná práńe ||

Ghumera ghora bháuṋgánora gáne gáne ||


बन्धु हे निये चलो |

अलोर ओइ झरणाधारार पाने।।

अन्धारेर व्यथा आर साय ना प्राणे।।


घुमेर घोर भाङगा नोर गाने गाने।।

Bhavartha - Central Idea

Purport – 

Paramapurus'a (the Supreme Consciousness) is the real friend. O Paramapurus'a, 
direct me unto the fountain of divine effulgence. I was slumbering in cimmerian darkness. 
I was an ordinary atom. But now I can no longer tolerate the staticity of darkness. 
O Paramapurus'a, sing before me the song which will arouse me from my deep slumber. 
Sing before me that song which will show me what is what and which is which.

Purport – 

O, my ever companion, take me along with you, towards that fountain of effulgence. I cannot bear the pain of darkness any more. Breaking the deep slumber of darkness, with song after song, O Lord, take me along.

Shabdartha & Vakyartha - Word & Line Meaning

Line 1: Bandhu he, niye calo

Line meaning: O Friend, take me along

Word meaning: Bandhu – friend, he – o, niye – take, calo – along


Line 2: Álora oi jharańádhárára páne ||

Line meaning: Towards that where effulgence springs and flows

Word meaning: Álora – effulgence, oi – that, jharańá – spring, dhárárara – the flow, páne – towards


Line 3: Ándhárera vyathá ára saye ná práńe ||

Line meaning: I cannot bare the miseries of darkness anymore.

Word meaning: Ándhárera – of darkness, vyathá – miseries, ára – anymore, saye – bare, ná – cannot, práńe – life (I)


Line 4: Ghumera ghora bháuṋgánora gáne gáne ||

Line meaning: Break the deep slumber with songs

Word meaning: Ghumera – of slumber, ghora – deep, bháuṋgánora – to break, gáne gáne – with songs

Sargam - Notations


Based on Bilávala Thát́a

Tála (Rhythm)

Laya (Tempo)



Khańd́a (Section)



Mátrá (Beats) – 8

X: Tálii / O: Khálii


Dhá   Ge        Na        Ti


1        2          3          4

Na     Ka        Dhi       Na


5        6          7          8




Bandhu he, niye calo |

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

Ba      ऽ          n          dhu

Pa      -           -           Ma

he      ऽ          ऽ          ऽ

Ga     -           -           -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

ni       ye        ऽ          ca

Sá      Re        -           Ni

lo       ऽ          ऽ          ऽ

Sá      -           -           -



Antará – 1

Álora oi jharańádhárára páne ||

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

Á        lo         ra         oi

Sá      Re        -           Ni

jha     ऽ          ra         ná

Re      GaRe   -           Ga

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

dhá    ऽ          rára     pá

Ma    -           Pa        Ma

ne      ऽ          ऽ          ऽ

Ga     -           -           -



Antará – 2

Ándhárera vyathá ára saye ná práńe ||

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

Án      dhá      ऽ          rera

Sá      Re        -           Re

vya    thá       ऽ          ára

Re      GaRe   -           Ga

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

sáye   ऽ          ná        prá

Ma    -           Pa        Ma

ńe      ऽ          ऽ          ऽ

Ga     -           -           -



Antará – 3

Ghumera ghora bháuṋgánora gáne gáne ||

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

Ghu   ऽ          mera   ghora

Sá      Re        -           Re

bhá    ऽ          unga    nora

Re      GaRe   _          Ga

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

gá      ऽ          ne        gá

Ma    -           Pa        Ma

ne      ऽ          ऽ          ऽ

Ga     -           -           -




DC Script

D C Script

Prabháta Saḿgiita: Song No 0001

Song, Lyrics & Melody by Shrii Prabháta Raiṋjana Sarkára


M: Music, L: Lead, F: Follow, C: Chorus


L: Bandhu he, niye calo

F: Bandhu he, niye calo

L: Álora oi jharańádhárára páne

F: Álora oi jharańádhárára páne

L: Bandhu he, niye calo

F: Bandhu he, niye calo

L: Ándhárera vyathá ára saye ná práńe

F: Ándhárera vyathá ára saye ná práńe

L: Bandhu he, niye calo

F: Bandhu he, niye calo

L: Ghumera ghora bháuṋgánora gáne gáne

F: Ghumera ghora bháuṋgánora gáne gáne

L: Bandhu he, niye calo

F: Bandhu he, niye calo



Other Info

JYOTIRGIITA - Song of effulgence, take me towards light


Note :

Description -