Code : 0003
Title : Andhara Shese Alora Deshe
Language : Bengali
Date : 17/09/1982
Place : Madhumańiká, Devaghara
Genre :
Mood :
Raga :
Tala :
Laya :
Matra :
Time to sing :
  • Kavita (Poem)
  • Bhavartha - Central Idea
  • Word & Line Meaning
  • Sargam - Notations
  • DC Script
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Other Info
  • Glossary

Kavita (Poem)

Ándhára sheśe álora deshe aruńa bhorera kathá

(Bhái) shońávo saváya d́eke d́eke ||

Táráya bhará oi ye ákásha, gandhamadira ei ye vátása,

Savára májhe ámi áchi phulera parága mane mekhe ||

Carańa tale ei ye mát́ii nikháda sonára ceyeo khánt́i,

Savuja cháyáya, mrgera máyáya nácche nútana abhiśeke ||

आन्धार शेषे आलोर देशे अरुण भोरेर कथा

(भाई) शोणावो सवाय डेके डेके ।।

ताराय भरा ओइ ये आकाश, गन्धमदिर एइ ये वातास,

सवार माझे आमी आछी फुलेर पराग मने मेखे ।।

चरण तले एइ ये माटी निखाद सोनार चेयेओ खान्टि,

सवुज छायाय मृगेर मायाय नाच्छे नूतन अभिषेके ।।

Bhavartha - Central Idea

Purport – 

Darkness has come to an end, crossing the threshold at the edge of light. Now is the 
proper time to call all and announce that the crimson dawn has come. The beautiful sky is 
studded with so many stars, the air is sweetlyscented. The atmosphere, lithosphere, 
hydrosphere everything is closely related to me. All the flora and fauna I must preserve, 
I must save them from premature extinction because I love everything of this earth. I am a 
NeoHumanist. I call one and all to come and create a new rhythm.

Purport – 

At the end of darkness, in the arena of light, the event of the rising sun, O brother, I will call and announce to all.
The sky, full of stars, the wind, full of enchanting fragrance, amidst all, I exist, absorbing the mind with floral essence.
The earth below our feet is perfect like pure gold. Within green shades, the creatures dance in new adoration

Shabdartha & Vakyartha - Word & Line Meaning

Line 1: Ándhára sheśe álora deshe aruńa bhorera kathá

Line meaning: The darkness ends with the tales of glorious dawn

Word meaning: Ándhára – darkness’, sheśe – end, álora – of light, deshe – in the land, aruńa – glowing, bhorera – of the dawn, kathá – tale, matter, glory

Line 2: (Bhái) shońávo saváya d́eke d́eke ||

Line meaning: Tell all loudly, O brother

Word meaning: Bhái – brother, shońávo – tell, saváya – all, d́eke d́eke – loudly

Line 3: Táráya bhará oi ye ákásha, gandhamadira ei ye vátása,

Line meaning: That stars filled sky, this intoxicating fragrant breeze

Word meaning: Táráya – stars, bhará – filled, oi ye – that, ákásha – sky, gandha – fragrance, madira – intoxicated, ei ye – this, vátása – breeze

Line 4: Savára májhe ámi áchi phulera parága mane mekhe ||

Line meaning: I am within all, in the pollens of flowers, smearing the minds.

Word meaning: Savára – all, májhe – within, ámi – I, áchi – am, exist, phulera – flowers, parága – pollen, mane – in mind, mekhe – smeared

Line 5: Carańa tale ei ye mát́ii nikháda sonára ceyeo khánt́i,

Line meaning: This earth beneath the feet is more pure than genuine gold. 

Word meaning: Carańa – feet, tale – beneath, ei ye – this, mát́ii – earth, nikháda – genuine, sonára – gold, ceyeo – than, khánt́i – pure

Line 6: Savuja cháyáya, mrgera máyáya nácche nútana abhiśeke ||

Line meaning: The green shade, the enthralled creatures dance because of this new smearing.

Word meaning: Savuja – green, cháyáya – shade, mrgera – creatures, máyáya – enthralled, nácche – dances, nútana – new, abhiśeke – smearing (beginning)

Sargam - Notations

DC Script

D C Script

Prabháta Saḿgiita: Song No 0002

Song, Lyrics & Melody by Shrii Prabháta Raiṋjana Sarkára


M: Music, L: Lead, F: Follow, C: Chorus


L: E gána ámára álora jharańádhárá

F: E gána ámára álora jharańádhárá

L: Upala-pathe dine ráte vahe yái

F: Upala-pathe dine ráte vahe yái

L: Vahe yái vándhana hárá

F: Vahe yái vándhana hárá

L: Álora jharańádhárá

F: Álora jharańádhárá

L: E gána ámára álora jharańádhárá

F: E gána ámára álora jharańádhárá

L: E patha ámára bandhura kant́akabhará

F: E patha ámára bandhura kant́akabhará

L: Utsa hate práńera srote bheṋge yái-

F: Utsa hate práńera srote bheṋge yái-

L: Bheṋge yái páśáńakárá

F: Bheṋge yái páśáńakárá

L: Álora jharańádhárá

F: Álora jharańádhárá

L: E gána ámára álora jharańádhárá

F: E gána ámára álora jharańádhárá



Other Info

Navyamánavatádera Giiti – Song of Neohumanism


Note :

Description -