Code : 0004
Title : Sakal Maner Biina Ek Sure Vaje
Language : Bengali
Date : 18/09/1982
Place : Madhumańiká, Devaghara
Genre :
Mood :
Raga :
Tala :
Laya :
Matra :
Time to sing :
  • Kavita (Poem)
  • Bhavartha - Central Idea
  • Word & Line Meaning
  • Sargam - Notations
  • DC Script
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Other Info
  • Glossary

Kavita (Poem)

Sakala manera viińá eka sure váje ája, sakala hrdaye saorabha |

Nandana-madhusáje ele tumi dhará májhe, dile save ek anubhava ||

Chinŕo ná, chinŕo ná e kusumamálákháni mamatára sárá vaebhava ||

Eso tumi áro káche, áro káche, áro káche, 

Niye yáo yáhá kichu sava ||

Bhavartha - Central Idea

Purport – 

The viina's (lyres) of all minds are vibrating in the same tune and all hearts are full of fragrance. With beautiful appearance, you came onto this earth providing unique experience to all. Do not pluck the flowers of this garland, which is my entire wealth of affection. O dear Lord, come closer, still closer, and take away (my) entire belongings.

Shabdartha & Vakyartha - Word & Line Meaning

Line 1: Sakala manera viińá eka sure váje ája, sakala hrdaye saorabha |

Line meaning: The mental strings of all play the same melody today and all hearts have the same incense

Word meaning: Sakala – all, manera – minds, viińá – musical string instrument, eka – one, sure – melody, váje – plays, ája – today, sakala – all, hrdaye – hearts, saorabha – incense.

Line 2: Nandana-madhusáje ele tumi dhará májhe, dile save ek anubhava ||

Line meaning: You came onto this earth in a pleasing sweet attire, and all experienced the same.

Word meaning: Nandana – pleasing, madhu – sweet, sáje – attire, ele – came, tumi – you, dhará – earth, májhe – onto, dile – gave, save – all, ek – same, anubhava – experience

Line 3: Chinŕo ná, chinŕo ná e kusumamálákháni mamatára sárá vaebhava ||

Line meaning: Grieve not, all these flowers of garland are wealth of my affection

Word meaning: Chinŕo – grieve, ná – not, e – these, kusuma – flower, málákháni – garland, mamatára – of affection, sárá – entire, vaebhava – wealth

Line 4: Eso tumi áro káche, áro káche, áro káche, 

Line meaning: You come still closer to me, still closer, still closer.

Word meaning: Eso – come, tumi – you, áro – still, káche – closer

Line 5: Niye yáo yáhá kichu sava ||

Line meaning: Take away whatever I have.

Word meaning: Niye – take, yáo – away, yáhá kichu – whatever, sava – all (I have)

Sargam - Notations

DC Script



Other Info

Madhura Giiti – Song of Sweetness


Note :

Description -