Code : 0903
Title : Tumi Yakhana Esechile Takhana Purnima Chilo
Language : Bengali
Date : 23/09/1983
Place :
Genre : Birthday - Janmadivas
Mood : Happy - Ananda
Raga :
Tala : Kaharava'
Laya : Madhya
Matra : 8
Time to sing :
  • Kavita (Poem)
  • Bhavartha - Central Idea
  • Word & Line Meaning
  • Sargam - Notations
  • DC Script
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Other Info
  • Glossary

Kavita (Poem)

Tumi yakhana esechile takhana púrńimá chilo |

Lukocuri cáṋdera sauṋge meghera calachilo ||

Dúra ákáshera niiháriká candanete chilo áṋká |

Navágata eka valáká patha bhúlechilo ||

Kata jyotsná elo gelo hiyára ásana shúnya chilo|

Tomára pada dhvani halo, hiyá sudháya bhare’ gelo ||

Sei valáká ávára elo patha cine’ nilo ||

Bhavartha - Central Idea


O Lord, when you had come at day was a full moon day. The moon was playing hide and seek game with clouds. The far off galaxy in the sky was appearing like drawn by sandal paste. As if a new swan has lost its path. How many moonlit nights have passed since then, the seat of heart remained vacant. With the sound of your footsteps, the heart was filled with nectar. The same swan came again recognizing the path.

Shabdartha & Vakyartha - Word & Line Meaning


Line 1: Tumi yakhana esechile takhana púrńimá chilo |

Line meaning: You came on a full moon day

Word meaning: Tumi = you, yakhana = when, esechile = had come, takhana = that, púrńimá = full moon, chilo = was


Line 2: Lukocuri cándera sauṋge meghera calachilo ||

Line meaning: On that day, the moon was playing hide and seek with the clouds

Word meaning: Lukocuri = hide & seek, cándera = moon, sauṋge = with, meghera = clouds, cala = going, chilo = was


Line 3: Dúra ákáshera niiháriká candanete chilo ánká |

Line meaning: The far off galaxy in the sky appeared as if drawn near by sandal paste

Word meaning: Dúra = far off, ákáshera = in sky, niiháriká = galaxy, candanete = sandal wood paste smeared, chilo = was, ánká = appearing


Line 4: Navágata eka valáká patha bhúlechilo ||

Line meaning: It seemed as if a new swan had lost its path

Word meaning: Navágata – newly arrived, eka = one, valáká = crane, patha = path, bhúle = lost, chilo = was


Line 5: Kata jyotsná elo gelo hiyára ásana shúnya chilo|

Line meaning: Many a moonlit night passed by. The seat of my heart remained vacant

Word meaning: Kata = many, Jyotsna = moon light, elo = came, gelo = gone, hiyára = hearts, ásana = seat, shúnya = empty, chilo = is


Line 6: Tomára pada dhvani halo, hiyá sudháya bhare’ gelo ||

Line meaning: Hearing the sound of Your footsteps, my heart became filled with nectar

Word meaning: Tomára = your, pada = foot, dhvani = sound, halo = came, hiyá = heart, sudháya = with nectar, bhare = filled, gelo = got


Line 7: Sei valáká ávára elo patha cine’ nilo ||

Line meaning: and that same swan came again, recognising the path

Word meaning: Sei = that, valáká = crane, ávára = again, elo = came, patha = path, cine = recognizing, nilo = took

Sargam - Notations



Tála (Rhythm)

Laya (Tempo)



Khańd́a (Section)



Mátrá (Beats) – 8

X – Tálii / O – Khálii

Dhá         Ge           Na           Ti


1              2              3              4

Na           Ka            Dhi          Na


5              6              7              8




Tumi yakhana esechile takhana púrńimá chilo |

Lukocuri cáṋdera sauṋge meghera calachilo ||

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

ऽ              ऽ              Tu            mi

-               -               Dha         Dha

ऽ              Ja             khan       ऽ

Sá            Sá            Sá            Re

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

e              ऽ              se            ऽ

Ga           Pa            Pa            Dha

chi           ऽ              le             ऽ

Pa            -               Ma          Pa

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

ऽ      ऽ      ऽ      ऽ

Ma           -               Ga            -

ऽ      ऽ      ऽ      ऽ

-               -               -               -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

ta             ऽ      ऽ      ऽ

Ga           -               -               Ma

kh            ऽ      ऽ      ऽ

Pa            -               -               DhaPa

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

ऽ      ऽ      ऽ      ऽ

Ma           -               -               PaMa

ऽ      ऽ      an     ऽ

Ga            -               Sá             Re

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

pú            ऽ      r      ńi

Ga            -               -               Ma

má           ऽ      chi    ऽ

Ga            -               Re            Ga

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

lo             ऽ      ऽ      ऽ

Re            -               Sá             -

ऽ      ऽ      ऽ      ऽ

-               -               -               -



Antará – 1

Dúra ákáshera niiháriká candanete chilo áṋká |

Navágata eka valáká patha bhúlechilo ||

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

ऽ              ऽ              du           r

-               -               Dha         -

á              ká             she           ra

Sá             Sá             Sá             Re

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

ni             ऽ              há            ऽ

Re            Ga            Ga            -

ri              ऽ              ká             ऽ

Ga            -               Ma           Ga           

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

ऽ              ऽ              ca             n

Re            -               Ga            -

da            ne            te             ऽ

Ma           Ga            Re            -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

chi           ऽ              lo             ऽ

Re            Sá             Re            Ga

án            ऽ              ká             ऽ

Re            Sá             Sá             -              

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

ऽ              ऽ              na            vá

-               -               Pa            Pa

ऽ              ga             ta             ऽ

-               Pa            Pa            -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

e              ka             ऽ              ba

Pa            Dha          -               Pa

lá             ऽ              ká             ऽ

Ma           -               Ga            -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

pa            ऽ              tha           bhú

Ga            -               -               Ma

le             ऽ              chi           ऽ

Ga            -               Re            Ga

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

lo             ऽ              ऽ              ऽ

Re            Sá             -               -

ऽ              ऽ              ऽ              ऽ

-               -               -               -



Antará – 2

Kata jyotsná elo gelo hiyára ásana shúnya chilo|

Tomára pada dhvani halo, hiyá sudháya bhare’ gelo ||

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

ऽ              ऽ              ka             to

-               -               Dha          Dha

ऽ              jyo           t               sná

Sá             Sá             -               Re

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

e              ऽ              lo             ऽ

Re            Ga            Ga            -

ge            ऽ              lo             ऽ

Ga            -               Ma           Ga

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

ऽ              ऽ              hi             yá

Re            -               Ga            Ma

ra             á              sa             na

-               Ga            Re            -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

shu     n       ya      ऽ

Re      Sá      Re      Ga

chi           ऽ              lo             ऽ

Re            Sá             Sá             -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

ऽ       ऽ       to       mára

-       -       Pa      Pa

ऽ              pa            da           

-               Pa            Pa           

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

dhv     a       ni       ऽ

Pa      Dha     Dha     Pa

ha            ऽ              lo             ऽ

Ma           -               Ga            Ma

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

ऽ       ऽ       hi       ya

-       -       Ga      Ga

ऽ              su             dhá          ya

Ma           Ga            Re            -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

bha     ऽ       re      ऽ

Re      Sá      Re      Ga

ge            ऽ              lo             ऽ

Re            -               Sá             -



Antará – 3

Sei valáká ávára elo patha cine’ nilo ||

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

se             ऽ              i               ba

Pa            -               -               Pa

lá             ऽ              ká            

Pa            -               Pa            -

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

á              ऽ              vá             r

Dha          -               Pa            -

e              ऽ              lo             ऽ

Ma           -               Ga            Ma

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

pa            ऽ              th             ci

Ga            -               -               Ma

ne            ऽ              ni             ऽ

Ga            -               Re            Ga

Shabda (words)

Svar (notations)

lo             ऽ              ऽ              ऽ

Re            -               Sá             -

ऽ              ऽ              ऽ              ऽ

-               -               -               -



DC Script

D C Script:

Prabhát Saḿgiita: Song No 0903

Song, Lyrics & Melody by Shrii Prabháta Raiṋjana Sarkára


M: Music, L: Lead, F: Follow, C: Chorus

M: Takhan púrńimá ….

L: Tumi yakhana esechile takhana púrńimá chilo

F: Tumi yakhana esechile takhana púrńimá chilo

L: Lukocuri cándera sauṋge meghera calachilo

F: Lukocuri cándera sauṋge meghera calachilo

L: Takhana púrńimá chilo

F: Takhana púrńimá chilo

L: Tumi yakhana esechile takhana púrńimá chilo

F: Tumi yakhana esechile takhana púrńimá chilo

M: Takhan púrńimá…. 

L: Dúra ákáshera niiháriká candanete chilo ánká

F: Dúra ákáshera niiháriká candanete chilo ánká

L: Navágata eka valáká

F: Navágata eka valáká

L: Patha bhúlechilo takhana púrńimá chilo

F: Takhana púrńimá chilo

M: ……

L: Kata jyotsná elo gelo hiyára ásana shunya chilo

F: Kata jyotsná elo gelo hiyára ásana shunya chilo

L: Tomára pada dhvani halo

L: Tomára pada dhvani halo hiyá sudháya bhare gelo

F: Tomára pada dhvani halo hiyá sudháya bhare gelo

L: Sei valáká ávára elo

F: Sei valáká ávára elo

L: Patha cine’ nilo takhana púrńimá chilo

F: Takhana púrńimá chilo

L: Tumi jakhana ese chile takhana púrńimá chilo

F: Tumi jakhana ese chile takhana púrńimá chilo

L: Lukocuri cándera sauṋge meghera cala chilo

F: Lukocuri cándera sauṋge meghera cala chilo

L: Takhana púrńimá chilo

F: Takhana púrńimá chilo

L: Tumi yakhana esechile takhana púrńimá chilo

F: Tumi yakhana esechile takhana púrńimá chilo

L: Takhana púrńimá chilo

F: Takhana púrńimá chilo


Song Code - 0903
Song Title - Tumi Yakhana Esechile Takhana Purnima Chilo
Song Version - DC
Singer Name - Acyuta Behera


Other Info


Note :

Description -